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The PRO-CHOICE movement
Be active and let your voice be heard. Send us your picture and message at

Prof Isabel Stabile
I firmly believe that the lack of abortion services on the island means our medical authorities are falling short of the highest evidence based standards recommended by international guidelines.

Dr Natalie Psaila
Women are entitled to have agency over their lives, including control over when they get pregnant. They need full and non-judgmental access to contraception and abortion care.

Dr Gilbert Gravino
With a total ban on abortion, Malta remains the European Union's unenviable exception in the sector of sexual and reproductive health. Such sub-standard care in an otherwise esteemed national health service is not acceptable. This must change, and it will.

Dr Lara Dimitrijevic
We talk about equality and social justice, yet women in Malta continue to be discriminated, stigmatised over their reproductive choices, and even criminalised for having an abortion in Malta. We can only talk about having equal rights when women have true control over their bodies without reservation or condemnation. Every woman knows what's best for her life.

Dr Andrea Dibben
I am pro-choice because a ban on abortion is ineffective and cruel. It does not actually prevent abortion from happening but it makes it less safe for women, especially vulnerable ones.

Rimaz Bitrou
Pro-choice doesn't mean pro-abortion. It simply means that women have the right to choose to have an abortion if they want it, and also be able to choose not to have an abortion. Being pro-choice also means that those who would never have an abortion themselves support the right for women to make a different choice. Us women deserve to be given the right to choose and to be trusted.

Dr Saveria Cremona
I want to work in a country where I am not afraid to help my patients - where I do not have to refuse them control over their life and future becayse of an antiquated law and the opinion of other people.

Dr Rebecca Zammit
Abortion access is a human right because every person who is pregnant and does not wish to be deserves as much bodily autonomy as everyone else. Our role as medical professionals is to provide unbiased information and empathy - only the pregnant person can decide what is best for themselves.

Nevena Aleksic
Being pro-choice means putting aside your own personal views on the morality of abortion and respecting that people have the right to choose how they want to manage their own pregnancy.

Raisa Galea
Upholding Malta's abortion ban is a way of asserting national moral righteousness. The stigma surrounding abortion turns fellow women citizens into outcasts who must suffer in silence. The insititutional oppression and ostracisation of women must end.

Matthew Chircop
I am transgender and my community also needs reproductive rights like abortion!

Jelena Bezzina
The blanket ban on abortion in Malta is not about being "pro-life," it is about control. Bodily autonomy means that people decide for themselves what is done to their body. This is why nobody can force anyone to give blood against their will - even if it's to save a life, or donate an organ - even after they die. Not without their consent. This is respected and followed in all circumstances except in the case of a pregnant person.

Maria Pisani
She is not a vessel. She is her own person, possibly also a mother, partner, sister, daughter and friend. What she needs, and what she deserves, is the legal, medical, material and emotional support so that she can make the best decision for herself and her family at any given time. The best we can do is to provide that support.

Dr Jamie Grech
The conversation is changing, and the view of the people are too. Stand up and be counted. Defend the rights of women and girls in Malta.

Gisella Orsini
I am pro-choice because I trust women. I am pro-choice because no one should be forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy. I am pro-choice because banning abortions does not reduce the number of abortions, but forces women to seek unsafe procedures.

Francesca Zammit
Let's support women to make their own life choices instead of imposing beliefs that are harmful to their health, psychology, economical wellbeing and overall happiness.

Francesca Fenech Conti
I was "pro-life" too once - that was before I realised that my privilege was blinding me, my religion was controlling me, my selfishness was misguiding me, and my ignorance was misinforming me.

Emily Galea
The total criminalisation of abortion in Malta means that women will continue to turn to unsafe methods, putting their mental and physical health at great risk. There is no such thing as banning abortion, only banning safe abortion.

Cristina Sollami
Not allowing legal abortions to happen just pushes those desperate enough to unsafe conditions. Help should be available when needed to those that seek it in a safe and reliable environment.

Dr Elena Saliba
I believe that all women should be able to access safe abortion services, regardless of their financial or social situation. We should never have a part of healthcare which is only available for the privileged.

Diane Dimech
Being pro-choice does not always signify that you will ever get an abortion yourself, but you are in clear favour of allowing any individual with a uterus to have the option of choosing abortion in a safe manner.

Claire Azzopardi
I amp pro-choice because I am a woman. I am pro-choice because women find themselves in positions of vulnerability. I am pro-choice because I believe women don't take these decisions lightly.

Christine Cassar
A woman who decides to terminate her pregnancy should find adequate healthcare by having access to safe abortion, legal support without being incriminated, and above all social support by eliminating stigma. We need to show love, support and respect to those women who are our family and friends.

Christian Colombo
Abortion is not something to be in favour or against, it is never desirable in and of itself. Yet, I believe it should be accessible when on balance it is the best alternative.

Dr Chris Barbara
Activism may sometimes feel like a thankless job, but I think of those people who are suffering because of a lack of reproductive rights and services. We cannot let these people down.
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